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Monday, January 21, 2013

A Declaration of Independence

A few days ago, I made the following post on Facebook. Yes, it's a testimony, but it's more than that, for it's also my declaration. Life is different. Life is good.
"There is no way we can be all things to all people. There is no way we can make everyone happy. There is no way we can do all things on our own. 
Being a Survivor nearly killed me... took me to a deep, dark place inside where my only champion, my only hope, was Me. Failure was not an option. I fell further away from God, and deeper into myself. My vision was clouded by despair and hopelessness, hurts, stress, exhaustion, and loneliness. And where did that lead me? No where good. I set myself up for failure. I am imperfect, like every soul on earth.
But this summer, my life took an amazing, miraculous route. At a time when I felt I had hit rock bottom, when I fell on my knees, when I took off my Survivor charm, when I truly understood: "I Cannot Do This On My Own.... I Give It All to God" then Love and Peace took over!
My life changed. My job changed. My focus changed. More time for my children and I. More prayer and meditation. A life truly focused on God and His word and His ways. I said, "Lead me, Help me."
It's been an amazing ride these last 7 months. He has taken me places and changed things inside of me. I am actually stronger and more at peace from letting go of the negatives that held me down. I am healing, getting stronger, focusing on what really matters. That doesn't mean it's "easier" but I do have peace.
I'm not sure where exactly He's leading me, but I now know, I'm really not alone. Those negatives and past hurts that haunted me are gone. I know He will be with me. And I know he's put some amazing people in my life to help me (as I pray I can help them) when life's trials weigh me down.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I know this isn't the popular type of facebook posts where folks spout off about politics or drama. But it was heavy on my mind today. I just wanted to say "Thanks for loving me, Thanks for loving my children, and Thanks for being with us on this journey." 

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